Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Heroes- the ones who keep me going...

♥God, for opening my eyes and showing me through everyday struggle the real meaning of life and the reason to be the greatest person I can be at all times. For teaching me to be thankful for all that I have. Life can end in a second.
♥My beautiful mama, for her courage, her integrity, and the desire to push through anything and fight for what she believes in. For not giving up, when she thought things couldn't get any worse. Sticking out college and all the hardships that come along with it, all the help others with their problems. And also, for always telling it like it is. :)
♥My sister, for keeping her head up in rough times. For showing me what the important things in life actually are and for staying strong at all times. For knocking sense into me when I need it and telling the truth, no matter what.
♥My 3 parents- For raising me to have respect for others no matter what. And raising me to have the courage to fight for what I believe in. For teaching me not to give up on what I want, and to strive for excellence.
♥My papa, for his drive throughout his life, even when he knew it wasn't gonna last much longer , and making me see the reason for life. I miss you everyday. I'll never forget to "swim with a buddy". :)
♥My Aunt Margie, for remaining happy and optimistic down the last second even when she knew she lost her battle with cancer. I miss you and our family holidays together. It won't ever be the same.
♥MY SOLDIER, MY BROTHER & ALL THE REST FIGHTING FOR US. May God be with them and their families every single day.
♥Aimee Young, for all the work she puts into the remembrance of the Holocaust, the lives she changes in her classroom, and standing up for what she believes in.
♥Doctors, nurses, firemen, military members, parents, teachers, social workers, entrepeneurs, charity workers, and all those making any kind of living to support themselves and their families.

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's gorgeous outside.....finally :)

It's so beautiful outside today :) I LOVE it. Good weather seriously puts me in a better mood, and for a day I forget all the bullshit. I layed out today.. and got pretty tan. SCORE!
It's a Friday night and there is nothing to do in this town. I'm going to the Loudonville softball game in town, but I mean after............... there's nothing=boring.
I'm staying at the parents this wknd to "house/dog sit" while they are in PA. I love it here.
My sister and I are in the middle of planning a suprise birthday party for my dads 50th birthday! I'm so excited. There are so many people coming.. he will love it. I love doing things like this for people. Well actually, I just love throwing get togethers.... but it's always a bonus when it will make someone's day in the process :) I can't believe my dad is turning 50. I'll be 20 this year............INSANE.
So in college, I take out loans obviously because I'm poor. Well every quarter I get the money to myself that I didn't use for school. I thought it was going to be here on the 23rd, so I got to the mailbox expecting money to last me until I start at pizza hut in May and guess what? NO MONEY. Ugh, I was instantly upset because that was all I'll have until I start my job. So, I call my school and ask when the loan refunds are mailed out and they say MAY 1ST! Oh my lanta..... so I have 20 dollars to last me until about the 3rd when I get the mail..............wish me luck on getting to college.
I doubt anyone is even reading this because NOONE blogs anymore......

Anyways.. I need to be outside. It's calling me.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

No purpose..

soo.. I haven't blogged in a while, and I'm being told too. I don't blog very much because I never feel like I have anything good to say. My life consists of work and school.. and the occasional friend and family time :). I try to keep busy.. it keeps my mind off of things you know? I've been pretty ill these last two weeks. I don't even know what happened to the last two weeks actually, cause I slept them all away, ha. Not good... but I haven't been that sick in soo long. Then I lost my voice for a couple days, so I couldn't go to work. Mama came to the rescue and invited me to stay with her so I didn't get Kal'el sick. In the process, I got her sick. :( She now has mono and broncitis. boo! I'm really bored. Just sitting here appreciating the sunshine. I love the sun. However, today it's incredibly misleading, because it's actually freezing balls outside.
I am going to Haley Engard's wedding reception around six. Then I have no idea what I'll do tonight. It's a Saturday night, and I have no plans. Figures. But I'm "dog/housesitting" for my parents right now anyway, and being here is nice. Its so calm here.. I just want to be outside. I wish it was warmer. I am blabbing on and on and this is exactly why I haven't blogged. I have nothing interesting to write about. Nothing has struck my fancy.
I had a job interview at Pizza Hut in Loudonville... so let's hope I get that job. I really need to make more money.. I have none.
I got to talk to Oscar last night :), which of course put me in a good mood. I miss him like you can't even imagine. It's insane.
OH. I know. I think I'm going to major in education. High School education. I really really want to teach holocaust, because that class changed my life. I'd like to do that for others. However, I can't JUST teach that class. And I hate literature and english (Sorry Aimee). I really like math... but algebra/holocaust teacher???? mm, I don't think that fits. I don't know what I'll do, but I need to figure it out and get a move on. I want a CAREER already!
Well, I think I may take a nap :) yesssss.

thankyou if you actually took the time to sit through this mumbo jumbo.

peace and love

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When was the last time I blogged? I don't remember.
My car broke down. Isn't that fantastic..? Since I have school and work.. and friends? There are parties this wknd, let's hope for the best....
(Never realized how much I love driving and that independence to go wherever, whenever.)
So I have one more final to take tomorrow.. and I'm finished :) SPRING BREEEAK. I hope the weather stays gorgeous. I want to be outside. I don't belong in Ohio.. I can feel it in my bones.
So.. I'm losing weight. But, I feel like its only in my legs?? I don't know..whatever it's something so I shouldn't complain.
Softball season is coming. I really want to go to alot of the games.. But I'm scared. I really think I'll miss it alot, and lose it. Guess it won't last forever right? I just want to be on that field....
Kal'el is climbing all over me right now and really making this blogging thing difficult. When I tell him to move, he laughs. He's such a good kid. He's lucky I love love love him.
My sister and Scott are watching the punisher? then we are watching American Idol from tonight.. :) I'm ecstatic. I'm really rooting for the girl with the red hair, she's amazing and the guy that can scream his ass off. Those are my two top picks :) The guy is hot too.. can you say bonus?
I miss my friends.. :) Esp. Oscar.............................. Wish I had money or a rich grandma or something.

Alright, I have nothing to say.
I love the weather :)
I love sunshine.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm exhausted.

I wanna start out by saying I can't stand Loudonville anymore and the loud mouthed people that are in it. I had plans to attend one of my best friends birthday party Friday night, but beforehand Byron and I were going out to dinner with some friends. On the way, Byron gets these phone calls and texts from people who are saying, "Don't go to that party, cops are coming out there", "it's going to get busted, 'just so you know'". Then he proceeds to tell me about how one of his (loud mouthed) teachers says, "I better not hear about you being out there this wknd". Then one of the coaches at Loudonville said that he was GOING TO CALL THE POLICE.
I'm really sorry if I'm offending anyone, but really?! How the hell old are you people? You didn't party in high school? Tell me you didn't and I'll laugh my ass off right in your face. I remember my sister being in high school and having like 50 people from HIGHSCHOOL at the parties they had, and noone seemed to care as much. (In words of step brothers: WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED?!) They never got caught cause people were mature. The party was planned THURSDAY and the world knew about it FRIDAY. PATHETIC. Grow up.. even the adults. If you spent half the time educating the students as you do trying to bring them down and get them in trouble, then perhaps Loudonville High School would be a little more enjoyable. I didn't mean to direct that just at teachers; because honestly, how'd they find out? THE STUDENTS. People really need to learn to keep their mouths shut.
PS: No cops showed up. and most of the people there were out of high school, thank God. So it was kind of like a reunion and we had a blast :). SO SUCK IT.
Okee, I showed mi madre how to blog today.. so my 4 readers I have should keep up with her blog. She's a pretty funny lady.
Saturday, I slept all day with Byron (don't fret.. we're only "friends") Then I went to work. Afterwards, I went into Loudonville to pick up Byron.. but he ended up going to Ashland. So, I went and hung out with Derrick, got some mickey dees and went out to his house. THEN after waiting (like usual), I went and picked up Byron and came to my house and went to bed. Then today (Sunday), we went and got McDonalds (AGAIN) (NOTE TO SELF: quit it! quit eating fast food!). After that, I took him home and went to see my mama and diod. I'm now at home, babysitting the best little person in the whole entire world :) and watching wizards of waverly place haha.
I miss my friends. I miss Dani. I miss Jordan. I miss Halli. Those are the only three girls I've really kept in touch with since high school and I love them. However; they all have boyfriends.. so the majority of their time is spent with them which =less time for Kirstie. I mean, I understand. I did it too... but it freaking sucks now and I get pissed off about it constantly. Whatever.
I'm sleepy.. I hope Kal'el falls asleep soon, so I can :)

Miss you Oscar.
-I'm out.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"In a way, I need a change from this burnout scene....

...another time, another town another everything."

Ah. What a weird wknd I have. What started out as, "ugh, I need plans".. turned into a wknd I'll never forget; and one that brought my heart to relaxation.
Friday, I went to Canton with Katie, a new friend from work (who lives two streets away;crazy). We partied a little.. but I knew noone, so it wasn't too exciting. We came home around 1 am Fri night, and I went to Loudonville to pick up Byron??? Yea, you read that right. AND; we had an amazing wknd, as FRIENDS. Friends! And best ones at that. We had a great time together.... this may be the start of something beautiful. So its Sunday night at 11:33, and I just got home from taking him back to his house. It was pleasant for two days with him, we snuggled up.. and we didn't fight. So peaceful. :) For the first time in months, I feel 100% at ease. My mind isn't racing 45738049574 miles an hour. I'm just perfectly content.
So, Scott installed my new CD player today. He got done putting it in, and what do you know? My piece of shit car wouldn't start. He comes inside and says, "so I have good news and bad news; your CD player is working, but you're car died". I just sat there, hahahaah. I just looked at him with this blank stare; I'm sure you know the one. Like seriously?? Nothing else can go wrong with that thing. But anyways, we jumped that shit, so she's working top notch again. (Well; to her full potential, which isn't much, hahah)
I have theee worst stomach ache. No joke... All I've eaten is soupy, and doughnuts today. (Good diet). I need to lose 10 pounds.. I dunno why I eat that crap.
Tues is the tournament game at Wooster High School.. I'm ecstatic. :) Pretty much just cause we're playing Hillsdale. Also, because our guys have been doing gooooood.
School- Mon, Tues, and Wed. I need to register this wk. I have no idea what to take. That's was the student success center is for though :) They pretty much tell you what to need to do.. I'd be lost otherwise.
...Well I don't have much else to say, but I thought I'd give an update.

-miss you oscarbaby :*( ............... man oh man.

-peace n love

Friday, February 27, 2009

my boy's growing up.

So I wake up today and realize... Kal'els not a baby anymore. He's a big boy now.. haha. He's going on two. HIS TERRIBLE TWOS. He's started talking, and runs like a mad man. He's so big now :(. I still love him like you can't even imagine. He's my boy. and the cutest freaking kid you'll EVER see. I love him. My sister needs to pop out another one.
I am going out tonight with my friend Katie! It should be a good time. Then, hopefully I'm hanging out with Derrick tomorrow night. We'll see how shit works out. I know I have to work tomorrow... boooo.
I am watching tivo american idol I missed this week. :) I love it.

Okay I obviously have nothing to talk about. Its been a dumb week.

Peace :)